
How Leap Years Helps Empower Young Dogs for a Fulfilling Life

Our canine companions bring boundless joy and unconditional love into our lives. As pet parents dedicated to their well-being, we want them to be healthy and vital throughout their lifespans. Caring for your pup’s physical, cognitive, and emotional health when they are young dogs can positively impact how they age.

Building Resilience from a Young Age

For pet parents, it is typical to prioritize the health and wellness of puppies with necessary vaccines, routine training and general socialization. As they approach their young adult and middle-aged stage of life, it is common of pet parents to take a reactive approach to addressing health issues as they come. But what if we implemented preventative measures to maintain well-being from early adulthood? This proactive approach equips them to not only maintain their good health but to thrive throughout their entire life span.

Building a Strong Foundation Through Wellness Activities and Exercise

The foundation of a fulfilling life for your young dog starts with a commitment to their overall health and well-being through a daily exercise routine, wellness activities and a healthy diet.

  • Regular Exercise: Daily walks, playtime, and interactive games aren’t just fun – they’re essential! Physical activity stimulates both the body and mind, promoting healthy dog fitness, good cognitive function, and overall happiness. Explore options like swimming, social time at a local dog park, swimming (even dock diving!), hiking (for appropriate breeds), or fun games of fetch.
  • Dietary Optimization: Fuel your dog’s adventures with a balanced diet tailored to their breed, age, and activity level. Your veterinarian is an excellent resource to recommend a diet that provides the essential nutrients specific to your dog’s need to stay healthy and strong throughout their lifespan.
  • Mental Stimulation: Remember to feed their brain! Regularly challenge your dog with puzzles, games, and training exercises to keep their minds sharp and engaged. This mental agility may delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline, allowing them to hold on to their playful spirit.

Creating a stable routine early on in their life will help support your dog as they transition from puppy to adult to senior in good health.

More Life in Your Dog,
More Dog in Your Life

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Pairing Leap Years with Well-Being

In addition to the means mentioned above as a holistic, routine approach to wellness, Leap Years can be a valuable tool to fuel your dog’s well-being. The daily supplement is clinically proven to support cognitive function, vitality and healthy aging in dogs. Incorporating Leap Years into your dog’s wellness regimen alongside a commitment to regular exercise, good nutrition and mental stimulation in early adulthood is an investment in their wellbeing.

The ideal time to begin an NAD+ booster and a senolytic is before the signs of aging or age-related diseases surface. The changes happen on the inside before you see them on the outside. Leap Years is an investment in cellular health, providing a whole-body approach to healthy aging.


A proactive approach to healthy aging for your dog will allow your dog to live a fulfilling life, with the joy, adventure, and companionship. Remember, investing in your dog’s health today is an investment in a lifetime of shared happiness and unforgettable memories.

Leap Years is a valuable tool to support your dog’s journey towards a healthy life filled with all the fun and adventure that comes with being an active dog!

Leap Years — More life in your dog, more dog in your life.
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