Leap Years® slows the effects of aging in dogs
Why Leap Years Works (Senolytic and NAD+ Booster Combination)
The benefit of using a senolytic and NAD+ booster in combination as a repeating, monthly regimen, is their combined effect. Senescent cells consume increased amounts of NAD+, depleting cellular reserves. Leap Years® is specifically designed to support the natural clearance of senescent cells so that NAD+ can be fully utilized by the body’s healthy cells–essentially, leaving more room for the healthier cells.
Keeping Cells Functioning Properly Through Senolytics
Senescent cells, commonly referred to as zombie cells, are aging cells that are still alive but do not function properly. These cells release chemicals which cause inflammation and accelerate aging. They can also encourage other nearby healthy cells to become senescent. Senescent cells can be removed from the body through a process called senolysis. Leap Years® has a safe but powerful senolytic that literally kills zombie cells.
Helps Boost NAD+ Levels to Maintain Healthy Cell Function
Maybe you have never heard of NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) but it’s a critical coenzyme that fuels the metabolism of the cells throughout an animal’s body. As a dog – or person, for that matter – ages, their NAD+ levels decline, which means their cells start to lose the ability for normal metabolism. And that leads to disease and breakdown of different body functions. Leap Years® helps to boost NAD+ levels.
Is My Dog Slowing Down?
Signs of aging, commonly referred to as “old dog behavior” are the result of what is going on in all the cells of the body, actual cellular aging. Occasional stiffness due to normal daily exercise in dogs starts at the cellular level.
“Slowing down” is also a sign that the cells’ NAD+ levels may be dwindling. Aging at the cellular level can be managed. Accumulation of senescent cells that cause age-related decline can be removed and NAD+ levels can be boosted.
Changing Aging in Dogs
Even when we pay lots of attention, our dogs can age in ways we don’t see right away. That’s because aging is more than just slowing down or stiffer movement. It can be trouble sleeping, confusion, disorientation, even anxiety. Aging starts at the level of the cell and is comprehensive. It needs to be addressed in this way. That’s the whole idea behind Leap Years® Cellular Health System for Dogs.
How Leap Years® Works
Chief Veterinary Medical Officer, Ginny Rentko VMD, DACVIM
Clinically Proven to Slow the Effects of Aging
cognitive function
more activity
Choosing the Right
Supplement for Your Dog
Since pet supplements are not regulated by the FDA, it is important to consider the quality of the supplement, the ingredients and their potency, and proof showing it works. Read more to learn what makes a credible dog supplement.
Why Choose Leap Years®
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Will Leap Years Benefit My Dog?
Take our Healthy Aging Quiz!
Your responses to this short quiz will generate a healthy aging score for your dog. We’ll share information about what your dog’s score means, how Leap Years® may benefit your dog, and how to start a conversation with your veterinarian about your dog’s aging plan.