Get To Know The Signs of Aging in Dogs So You Can Address Them Early.
Dogs age much more rapidly than humans and pet parents agree that their dogs never live long enough. Biological aging has numerous impacts on a dog’s life, leading to disease and ultimately, death. For pet parents, caring for a dog who is showing signs of age-related decline can be emotional and even create a financial burden. But thanks to advances in science and a new soft chew supplement, Leap Years®, there’s hope.
Even when we pay lots of attention, our dogs can age in ways we don’t see right away. Some signs of dog aging may be easily missed since they can occur slowly over time.
The following information can help pet parents get started in proactively identifying signs of aging. If your dog displays any of these signs of aging detailed below, see your veterinarian for evaluation and consider utilizing the Leap Years® Soft Chew Cellular Heath System. Our two-part supplement is changing how we approach dog aging because it doesn’t just address conditions related to aging, it addresses the underlying cellular causes.
Chronic inflammation is common in aging dogs. It may occur in an obvious place like a limb and cause pain and a reluctance to move (eg arthritis). When it occurs in an organ, it may result in a loss of appetite or desire to move around and may only be detected by blood tests.
Frailty and cancer
When old dogs become frail, their movements slow and they appear generally weak. It is common for them to show less excitement over their favorite activities – like playing fetch or going for a walk. Not unexpectedly, cancer is more common in older dogs. We may first notice a lump under the skin, general malaise, or simply, decreased stamina.
Thinning or graying hair
Much like humans, dogs turn gray as they age, typically around their muzzle and face, not necessarily over their entire coat. Thinning hair, while related to aging, can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition or an unmet nutritional need.
An aging dog may show signs of a slowing metabolism such as weight gain or weight loss, with an associated change in appetite. Importantly, these changes are often indicative of diseases associated with aging. A senior visit to a veterinarian includes a thorough physical examination and blood tests to detect any underlying disease.
Sensory (hearing loss)
Hearing loss in dogs can also occur with age, or even at a younger age, as a result of chronic ear infections. Dogs experiencing deafness typically lose the ability to determine high-pitched sounds first. They can be unresponsive to everyday sounds, ignore verbal commands, have sudden disobedience and a rising startle reflex, excessive barking, sleepiness or apathy.
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Detecting scents
Dogs have long been known for their acute sense of smell. They use their sense of smell to interpret the world around them, and when that sense wanes, they often exhibit anxiety and fear. The signs can resemble blindness, a sense of being confused and uncomfortable. The most common sign of loss of smell is a disinterest in foods they previously enjoyed. Dogs use their powerful sniffers to process information. When compromised, it can ultimately lead to a sense of being off-kilter and jeopardize their overall well-being.
As dogs age, changes in vision are common. The signs of a dog with compromised vision include suddenly bumping into furniture or have trouble locating their toys or food. Eye contact with the people they live with may decrease. Clinginess, anxiety, and reluctance to move in low light may emerge as vision decreases.
Muscle loss
Muscle loss is often seen in aging dogs. It can be found in any breed and is often identified over the hips or on top of the head. As it progresses, generalized weakness may ensue.
Dental and tartar
Plaque buildup on a dog’s teeth occurs over time, and if it isn’t removed with brushing, it can lead to tartar or cause dental health problems such as periodontal disease. Once formed, tartar needs to be removed professionally at the veterinary clinic.
Metabolic kidney function
Chronic kidney disease is one of the primary diseases of aging in dogs. Early detection is crucial, as reversing or curing the disease isn’t possible. Common early signs include increased water intake and frequency of urination of large volumes.
How Leap Years® Supports Healthy Aging
Whether you are considering Leap Years® for your middle-aged dog to slow the onset of the signs of aging or for your aged dog to bring back vitality and increase their engagement, know that healthy aging starts with healthy cells.
Including Leap Years into your dog’s daily regimen may extend their health span and increase vitality, keeping their NAD levels optimal, while simultaneously supporting the natural clearance of damaged cells to make room for newer, healthier cells.
Be sure to talk to your Veterinarian
If you suspect any of these signs of aging changes in dogs, see your veterinarian for a complete physical examination and blood tests.
Talk with your veterinarian about adding Leap Years® to your dog’s daily routine for more vitality, more engagement, and more life for your dog. Take action and slow the effects of aging in your dog today!